
Benzinga | EV Con


Designer / Art Director


July 2021


Sep 2021



About Benzinga

Benzinga is a leading media and data technology company covering stocks, investments, business, and personal finance for “investors of all stripes and styles.” In addition to its robust online content ecosystem, the company produces online, live, and hybrid events and conferences focused on various high-profile industries.

The Challenge

The Benzinga Events team set a goal to host 22 live or virtual/live hybrid events in the third and fourth quarters of 2021, including many that needed original branding and a fresh approach. The first hybrid event would be the Benzinga Electric Vehicles Conference, and the company wanted to make a strong statement from the starting line.

But since early 2020, the Benzinga team has lacked an in-house designer. Many of the virtual events slated on the calendar did not need a comprehensive branding strategy or visual design, but the team decided the shift to live and hybrid conferences required "extra muscle."

Most importantly, Benzinga wanted to set itself apart from competitors in a crowded space, portraying EV CON, Powered by Benzinga, as a premium and exclusive event designed to connect investors with companies in the EV space and offer knowledge and education to investors about this fast-growing industry.



Design That Blends Retro with the Future

Key to the success of the project was our ability to blend retro and future elements to execute the client’s vision for branding. In early brainstorming conversations with the client, Benzinga mentioned properties such as the original Tron movie from the 1980s, classic Atari games, and other aspects of GenX nostalgia.

They also wanted the logo to remind people of the first frontier of electric vehicles in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, capturing that retro energy as a driving force behind the Benzinga EV Con brand, but with a modern spin. The various elements work together to show an industry - and brand - moving forward into the future with lightning speed.




Due to the invaluable efficiency and communication between Benzinga and myself, I went beyond the scope of work by delivering additional assets such as an in-depth style guide to ensure proper usage of the logo, supporting brand components, and contextual mock-ups.